













留学低龄化, 孩子, 家庭, 教育, 国际化

How to Approach the Trend of Early Study Abroad

With the continuous development of globalization, an increasing number of families are considering sending their children abroad for education, and one noticeable trend is the early study abroad. Early study abroad refers to the phenomenon of sending underage children to receive education overseas, and this trend is growing significantly in many countries. However, there are differing views on the topic of early study abroad.

Positive Impacts

Supporters of early study abroad believe that early exposure to international education environments can help children better adapt to a globalized society. Through studying abroad, children can gain more international knowledge and cross-cultural communication skills. Furthermore, early study abroad provides them with broader opportunities for development, allowing them to access higher quality education resources and cultivate comprehensive qualities and abilities.

For example, let’s consider a child named Xiaoming who was sent to study in the United States from an early age. In American schools, Xiaoming not only acquired excellent academic knowledge but also participated in various clubs and volunteer work. During this process, he made friends from different countries and learned to respect and understand different cultures. These experiences made Xiaoming more open-minded, confident, and laid a solid foundation for his future career development.

Negative Impacts

However, opponents of early study abroad believe that leaving home and familiar environments at an early age may have negative effects on a child’s physical and mental well-being. They worry that children may struggle to adapt to unfamiliar cultures and ways of life, potentially leading to feelings of loneliness and disorientation. Moreover, early study abroad may also result in a detachment between children and their families since they spend extended periods away from home, reducing their contact with parents and loved ones.

Take Xiaohong as an example, who was sent to study in England at the age of five. Although she achieved good grades in school, she often felt lonely and homesick. She missed her family and friends and struggled to adapt to the British culture and way of life. These emotional issues posed challenges to her learning and development.

The Role and Responsibility of Families

Regardless of whether one supports or opposes early study abroad, families play a crucial role in the process. Parents should carefully consider their child’s personality, maturity, and adaptability before deciding whether to send them abroad for education. They need to engage in open communication with their child, understanding their thoughts and emotions, and providing necessary support and care.

In addition, families should maintain good communication and cooperation with schools and educational institutions. They can stay informed about their child’s study and life abroad and offer the necessary support and guidance. The love and support from families can help children better adapt to the new environment, overcome difficulties, and achieve better academic performance.


In conclusion, early study abroad is a complex topic with both positive and negative impacts. While it can provide children with broader development opportunities and access to international education resources, it may also have negative effects on their physical and mental well-being and family relationships. Therefore, families should comprehensively consider their child’s developmental needs and weigh the pros and cons when making decisions. Only under suitable circumstances can early study abroad become a beneficial choice for children’s development.

early study abroad, children, family, education, internationalization



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